About Deaver Park Press

Here is the part of the website where we write about ourselves in the first person, in an effort to tell you about ourselves.

Deaver Park Press is Tiziana Severse and Brent Baldwin. Tiziana is a cosmetologist by day, and by night, a writer and a musician. Brent is a graphic designer by day, and by night, an illustrator and musician, as well. Together, they are screen printers, and makers of comics. They are proudly based out of Asheville, North Carolina.

Our webcomic is called Hair and Therapy. Read it here.

Deaver Park Press is named for our neighborhood.

4 Responses to About Deaver Park Press

  1. Great new website for your comic books, and posters,etc.

  2. Great new website for your comic books and new posters, all your music posters, and whatever you decide to design. Love your artwork and creative writing. You are both so talented in so many different areas. Keep up the great work.

  3. Joshua says:

    Everything looks so fantastic. I mean it. The line work on the posters is really incredible. You’re such a talented couple! Keep going.

  4. jasonred3 says:

    Hello! We’d like to talk to you about providing some reciprocal links… can you contact me at jasonite10 at gmail?

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